Spring arrives, the lady next door and our yard

This week I’m thinking about spring as the weather is getting nicer and the sun is shining more often. The buds are coming out on trees and bushes at our house – I can’t wait to see what they look like as we bought and moved into our house in the fall when things were pretty much kaput.

Here are some beautiful things in my life for today:

1. I was walking down the street the other day and smelled the scent of flowers. I realized the scent was coming from a bush just next to me, so I slowed down and drank in their heady aroma. I think they were lilacs, but I’m bad with nature names so I really can’t say for sure. But they were lovely.

2. My husband met the lady next door today, who I’ve seen from afar once but haven’t talked to yet. She’s elderly and lives alone, and our other neighbour seems to help her out quite a bit. She asked my husband if I was sick, which he thought was an odd question. It turns out she’s seen me at home during the day (ahhh, my habits have not gone unseen) and assumed that I was ill. But really, I work a bit from home! Funny…

3. Because it’s spring, my husband got to work cleaning up the yard today. He loves puttering around it and I expect that he will spend quite a lot of time out there this year. Our yard is quite big and he’s in his glory! He’s gathered a whole pile of stuff to be carted off to who-knows-where when he’s ready. Our place is slowly becoming ‘ours’!

One thought on “Spring arrives, the lady next door and our yard

  1. Well written, Beth. You expand your theme logically and manage to make the reader want to visit these two entrepreneurs. I am sure they loved your column!


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